书剑同源 -----谈傅彪的武德文风
随着学校规模不断扩大,办学条件不断改善,学校又搬到了昌平花塔和平寺。初到昌平时,为了租赁场地,傅彪找到了有关负责人。当时该负责人正参加一个书法笔会,对他的到来不以为然。颇受冷遇的傅彪挥笔写下了“艺海朝阳”和“海天一色”,落款“少林彪”,一收笔,满座皆惊。因为欣赏傅彪的才华和勇气,负责人商量后同意将和平寺先租给他办学,待学校盈利后再收取房租。尽管如此,学校的办学资金还是比较困难。为了节省办学经费,学校自己养猪, 傅彪还经常骑马出山到外面集市上买菜以保证后勤供应。后来,学校又迁到了昌平自行车赛场。到赛场时,学校的规模相对来说已经比较大了,办学条件也比以前好多了,但却又面临着同行的竞争。当时昌平也开了几家武校,有一家还开到了赛场,跟傅彪的学校形成了直接竞争。傅彪根据当时的形势,及时调整了战略战术,把学校从昌平自行车赛场迁到了回龙观地区。后来,其他几家武校都倒闭了,只有北京少林武术学校一直坚持下来。就这样,学校三易校址,经历了西红门、昌平花塔和平寺、自行车赛场直到今天,走过了 “从无到有,从小到大,从弱到强”的艰辛之路,至今已发展成为一所现代化新型的特色学校,实施小学、初中、高中学历教育和职业教育。尤其是近几年,乘着《民办教育促进法》的强劲东风,学校得到了迅猛发展,2003年兼并了北京市昌平区宏福武校,又创办北京、山东、上海、南京、河北等六所分校,成功走上集团化办学道路。
傅彪高度重视学校教学与社会实践的结合,他带领武校学生先后参加了中央电视台庆祝申奥成功晚会、大学生运动会、德国柏林中国文化周、中央电视台春节联欢晚会、中法建交40周年中国文化年北京文化周、北京2008年残奥会会徽发布仪式等大型文化文艺活动表演,并多次受到党和国家领导人的亲切接见。尽管外事活动频繁,傅彪仍坚持诗词创作。在随同国家领导人赴法国参加中法建交40周年中国文化年北京文化周的班机上,他写下了这样的诗篇:“欧亚横跨八万里,风雪茫茫照天地。朝辞北京云上走 ,日未落海到巴黎。凯旋门外雄狮起,香榭丽舍华人居。喜庆建交四十载,两国元首谋大计。”由傅彪亲自创编导演的大型武术节目《上下五千年——中国功夫》、大型武术节目《奥运中国》等优秀作品,上演后引起了强烈反响,获得巨大的成功。由傅彪作词的奥运歌曲《奥运中国》更是广为传唱。2006年,为了庆祝中加建交36周年,由文化部指定北京少林武术学校创编了大型功夫剧《美猴王大闹天宫》。该剧开创了中国武术史上的一个奇迹,公演之后受到了社会各界的一致好评。学校组织的少林武术表演团远赴德、法、美、俄、日、韩、泰、非洲、东南亚等几十个国家和地区进行巡回演出,向世界展示中华武术的博大精深。傅彪为中华武术这一民族瑰宝走向世界作出了重要贡献。
傅彪在事业蓬勃发展的同时,不忘回报社会,始终热心社会公益事业。2003年重庆开县发生重大井喷事件,傅彪作为在京第一发起人,召集重庆籍在京工作者和社会各界人士为井喷灾区募捐了584万元,缓解了灾区燃眉之急。2004年11月13日,开县“9·4”特大洪灾北京片区救灾募捐活动中,他号召武校全体师生捐款3万元支援灾区;2004年重庆发生特大旱灾,他又带领全校师生踊跃捐款2万元;2008年 “5·12” 汶川大地震,他组织全校师生捐款20余万元,其中,他个人捐款12万元;由民政部社会工作委员会发起的书画界名人捐赠活动中,他现场书写9幅作品全部捐出。此外,他先后资助贫困山区和失学儿童数百人到北京少林武术学校学习,吃、穿、住及学费全部由学校负责;收留多名流浪儿童在武校免费学习、生活;为数十名从北京少林武术学校毕业后考上首都体育学院、武汉体育学院、上海戏剧学院的学生提供全部学费资助;从开县选出10名德、智、体比较优秀的贫困生,由傅彪个人资助这些孩子从小学到大学的全部生活费用、学习费用。2003年,他又捐助10万元为重庆五一村建起了希望小学。武校每年支出巨额资金用于助学扶贫,为服务社会、关爱弱势少年尽已所能,做出了突出贡献。
2005年,傅彪继市教委副主任李观政之后当选为北京市职教体育协会主席,首开民办学校校长担任该协会主席之先河。他对协会体育教研和运动竞赛两方面工作予以高度重视,亲自听取、观摩教研课并进行现场指导;不断完善、提升运动会的规模与水平;通过健全组织机构,广泛合理开辟协会经济来源,全面提升协会服务水平;指出协会在发展中存在的问题,提出解决方案,并亲自组织实施。他对体协的新闻宣传工作给予高度重视。傅彪认为,体协以前是默默无闻做工作,新闻宣传是弱项,在全国社团组织与政府脱钩转向市场化的大形势下,必须抛弃“酒香不怕巷子深”的传统观念,要有品牌意识,要主动宣传自己,让社会各界都了解体协,树立起“北京市职教体育协会”的品牌。他针对体协原有宣传部媒体资源不足、宣传力度不够的缺陷,成立了新闻部,聘用《中国体育报》记者任新闻部长,专门负责协调电视、报章杂志等媒体资源,对体协进行全面宣传报道,提升体协的品牌形象和知名度。《人民日报》《人民政协报》《中国体育报》《中国青年报》《北京日报》等数十家媒体多次报道体协的活动;《中央电视台》一套、五套、七套节目,《北京电视台》一套、六套节目多次播出体协的专题片,网络上关于体协的信息也越来越多。在他的带领下,协会先后成功举办了职教系统三届学生田径运动会、三届教工运动会、“迎奥运”北京市学生精神文明啦啦队比赛等运动会, 2005年、2006年协会被评为市级先进体育社团、全国群众体育先进单位。
Calligraphy and swordsmanship sharing the same origin---on Fu Biao’s Martial Morals and Literary Style
Fu Biao, also named Fu Xing Zhong, uses ShaoLin Biao as his pseudonym. He started schooling at 4 and martial art training at 9. Because of his learning, his gest, though vigorous and powerful, is full of the elegance of a well-read scholar; due to his unique skills, his words, brimming with literal brilliance and grace, is expressive of the impressive majesty of a general. He loves creating and exploring new things and hates sticking to the old rules. Varied yet related ideas are found throughout his unique gest and literary works; and the pioneering spirit has been felt all the way in his splendid career. It is said that extraordinary person with extraordinary success must have had extraordinary experience. Fu Biao is such an extraordinary person who has been leading a legendary life all the way from various difficulties to today’s success.
In the poem of Li Bai and Liu Yuxi, two famous poets of the Tang Dynasty, Si Chuan province was described as a place troubled by dangerous typography. However, it is in this arduous and vast Sichuan, many heroic people with ability and vision were born. Fu Biao was born to a family of learning in Kai County of Chong Qing city (the hometown of General Liu Bocheng). He was born to be a naughty and smart kid greatly inspired by the beautiful and wondrous natural environment as well as the fine schooling offered by his family. He therefore grew into an ambitious and aspiring boy. His father and grandfather are all knowledgeable people, who are quite accomplished in classical literature and calligraphy. When he reached 4, his father and grandfather started teaching him calligraphy. His grandfather told him many stories about how Wang Xizhi, the famous and industrious calligrapher in ancient China had made his fame. His grandpa transcribed a poem by Marshal Chen Yi and made it Fu Biao’s calligraphy textbook. Gifted Fu Biao not only loves calligraphy but also enjoys reading classical literature. He read up with passion and interest poems from the Tang and Song dynasties as well as many Chinese classical literatures such as “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, “A Dream of Red Mansion” and “Records of Kingdoms of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.” He therefore admired very much those heroic characters who had achieved attainments in the battle field in history such as Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Yue Fei and Xin Qiji.
Fu Biao abhors evil as a deadly foe and is always ready to defend someone against injustice. Such character was already quite obvious since his childhood. Once he spotted someone stealing in the market, and came to stop him only to be beaten by the angered and ashamed thief. This experience didn’t make him yield to evil force; on the contrary, it spurred his fight. Since then, he became a fan of marital art and nothing could stop him. The old saying goes “The poor learns literature and the rich learns martial art.” His poor family and difficult life made his pursuit of marital art very difficult at the beginning. His grandfather was not in favor of him learning martial art; in stead, he wanted him to focus on his literary schooling. His father, although did not say anything about his passion for martial art, offered him opportunities for practicing. He stuck a thick pile of paper to the wall and asked Fu Biao to practice straight blows. Again and again, the paper was broken, and Fu Biao’s hand was injured with blood stain on the paper and the wall. This marked his “fist encounter” with marital art.
Fu Biao lost his mother when he was very young. He and his other three siblings led an increasingly poor life with his father. Every day, before the day broke, his father would wake him up and ask him to go out and collect dog shit (used as decomposed manure in China’s countryside). After he was done with his work, he had to walk dozens of miles to school in the mountainous region. During his leisure time, his eldest sister usually asked him to go in the mountain to cut firewood and greenfeed for pigs. Occasionally, if he didn’t get enough firewood or greenfeed, his eldest sister would kick and spank him as punishment. The local people said that “those who made a living on picking coal balls had to get up at midnight for work and could earn money barely enough for a bow of rice.” In order to bring his family a better life, he used to go to the coal pit to pick coal balls. Later, his eldest brother and eldest sister established their own families one after another. His grand father was old and his younger brother still too young, so Fu Biao had to shoulder the responsibility of supporting the family. He got up at 4 or 5 in the morning every day to prepare breakfast for the family. He usually read while making fire, and occasionally, when he was too tired and could not help nodding off, his book fell in the fire and got burned. Fu had to continue with his schooling and also shoulder the burden of supporting the family. The hardship he encountered was simply beyond description. However, it is such hardship and difficulties that tried his strong will and triggered his enormous zeal for success.
When he was young, under his father’s order, he followed one of his relatives to Anhui to learn workmanship. When he first arrived in Hefei, he met a man called Wang Xianfa, who introduced him to a senior boxer---Wang Lishen. Fu made many visits to the boxer’s place but failed to meet him. Fu didn’t give it up and persisted in his pursuit. Finally the boxer was moved by Fu’s sincerity, and agreed to teach him martial art. Fu cherished this chance very much and worked very hard on literary learning and martial art training. Years later, he made some moderate successes. In the early 1980s, the movie “Shaolin Temple” was on all over China. The Shaolin Temple soon became the Holy Land for many martial art fans. So Fu decided to say goodbye to his teacher and went to the Shaolin Temple for more martial art.
Fu Biao then became a student of Shi Yongxin, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, thereby beginning to learn the authentic Shaolin Kung Fu. In the Shaolin Temple, the best place for learning Shaolin Kung Fu, he compared notes with his fellow students for effective learning. Before he went to the Shaolin Temple, his Kung Fu had already reached a rather high level. After the learning experience in the Shaolin Temple, plus frequent practices, his skill and physical fitness all reached the peak. During his stay in the Shaolin Temple, he learned a set of “Tianshan Kunlun Swordsmanship”. In order to look for the cradleland of this swordsmanship, he left the Shaolin Temple for the remote Xinjiang.
The lofty icy mountain and immense forest of Tianshan Mountains triggered the ambition in the young Fu Biao. He wielded his sword passionately in the mountainous forestry, practicing again and again the “Tianshan Kunlun swordsmanship.” Inspired by his excitement, he wrote such liens : “Tianshan Kunlun sword is like a plum blossoming in the snow. Ten years of industrious practice makes extraordinary Kung Fu.” Fu Biao then was hired as martial art drill master by the military to teach the Shaolin Kung Fu. During his leisure time, thanks to his excellent qinggong, he climbed the steep cliff to pick the legendary “Saussurea of Tianshan,” which became a much-told story among the local people.
In order to further improve his Kung Fu, he went down Tianshan Mountains and went back to the Shaolin Temple. After a period of sharpening his skills, he became a teacher at a martial art school in Kaifeng. Back then, there were many martial art schools all over China especially in the neighborhood of the Shaolin Temple. During his teaching at that school, Fu Biao participated in many contests held in Zhongzhou and achieved brilliant success. During this period of time, he started active preparation for the national Wushu and Sanda competition. However, an accident changed his life. A former fellow student called Zhang Wenxin broke Fu Biao’s left forearm in a prank, and thus ruined Fu’s dream of becoming a national champion. However, Fu didn’t give up; in stead, he started looking for other opportunities for development. He studied the situation of the martial art schools in the neighborhood of the Shaolin Temple and found that these schools only focused on the teaching of martial art and ignored the literary education. He thought that this was not good for the development and passing down of China’s traditional martial art culture, and started the idea of opening a school that teaches both martial art and culture. For this purpose, he went to the Shaolin Temple for the third time. While studying in the Shaloin Temple wholeheartedly, he was also planning for his future career.
In the bleak deep autumn of 1990, when the abbot went to Japan for a visit with several of Fu Biao’s fellow students, Fu Biao secretly came down the mountain with only 170 yuan. He left for Beijing to establish a school of his own. The beginning of his career was full of hardship. He encountered unexpected difficulties in almost every step, including choosing the location of school, renting a venue for teaching and recruiting students, etc. However, he overcame all these difficulties with resolute faith in success. With the help of a friend, Fu Biao established the Jing Du Marital Art School in Xi Hongmen of Daxing district in Beijing. Back then, due to the limited capital and the understaffed team, he himself taught almost all the courses of martial art and culture. For the constant improvement of his qualifications, every day, he biked to the Chinese Marital Art Institute located over one hundred miles away for the advanced study of Sanda. During the weekend, he would also come to the China Calligraphy University to improve his calligraphy. At the beginning of his career, there were many things for him to do. But whenever he had any spare time, he would practice calligraphy industriously. Under arduous conditions, he created numerous works of calligraphy. His calligraphy---the Chinese character “武” was matchless due to its bold, strong and unique strokes. Many media including “China Daily” competed for the permission to publish his calligraphy“武”, and one TV station even used this character as the backdrop of the studio. “Arena of Pugilism” and “The Body-building Trend in Beijing” ---two BTV programs have used his “武’’ in their head leader for a long time. His calligraphy “龙’’ is considered unique in the circles of calligraphy. An engineer, upon seeing this character calligraphed by him, admired it very much. He then searched all classics on calligraphy and didn’t find any style similar to his. Some even made a big bid for his “龙’’ . Because of his calligraphy, Fu Biao made acquaintance with many friends in the same camp, which has greatly helped his career.
As the school kept growing and improving, the school was moved to the Heping Temple of Huata in Changping district. When he first arrived in Changping, Fu Biao contacted the relevant person to talk about renting a place. However, that person was then attending a conference on calligraphy and simply ignored him. Fu Biao, though given a cold shoulder by that person, picked the brush and calligraphed “艺海朝阳” and “海天一色” and then signed his penname “Shaolin Biao”. As soon as he was done, the whole audience was awestruck. Filled with admiration for Fu’s talent and courage, the person in charge agreed to lease out the Heping Temple to him, and told him that he did not have to pay the rent until he started making profit. Despite this help, the capital was still very limited for running the school. In order to save money, his school started raising pigs. Fu himself often went on horseback to buy vegetable at the market outside of the mountain to guarantee the food supply at school. Later, the school was moved to the cycling track in Changping district. At that time, the scale and conditions of the school had already improved a lot. However, it was confronted with fierce competition against other martial art schools. Back then, there were some other marital art schools in Changping district too, one of them even had a competition area, thus constituting direct competition against Fu Biao’s school. According to the situation, Fu timely adjusted his strategy and moved his school to Hui Longguan area. Later, all the other marital art schools were closed, and only Beijing Shaolin Martial Art School (Fu Biao’s school) survived the fierce competition.
Just like this, his school moved all together three times, and had traversed a difficult path from scratch to success. Now, this school has already developed into a modern schooling system with new characteristics, offering primary and secondary schooling. Especially in recent years, thanks to the favorable “Law on Promoting Private Education,” Fu’s school enjoyed another surge in development. In 2003, his school bought Hongfu Martial Art School in Changping district in Beijing and opened six branches in Beijing, Shandong, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hebei, having successively embarked on a path towards education groups.
In order to develop the market for martial art education in Shanghai, Fu Biao came to Shanghai more than a dozen times for the first-hand information. After an overall research and thorough analysis of Shanghai’s market, he set up the Shanghai branch in Songjiang. The establishment of the Shanghai branch opened a path to the market in East China. In early 2006, Beijing Shaolin Martial Art School started the North China Branch, and successively annexed two art schools in Hebei province. In 2008, taking the good opportunity offered by the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Fu opened another branch in Daxing district in Beijing.
Fu pays high attention to the combination of school education and social practice. He has led his students in participating in the CCTV Celebration Party for the Successful Olympic bid, the National University Games, the Chinese Cultural Week in Berlin, Germany, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala Evening, the Beijing Cultural week of the Chinese Cultural year for the Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Ties between China and France, and the Cultural and Art Performance for the Ceremony of the Releasing of the Logo of the Beijing 2008 Paralympics, etc. He and his students have been warmly received by the party and state leaders for many times. In stead of his busy schedule, he still persisted in writing poems. On the flight to France for the Beijing Cultural week of the Chinese Cultural Year for the Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Ties between China and France, he wrote: “Flying over eighty thousand miles from Asia to Europe, braving the wind and snow swirling between earth and sky; I bid goodbye to Beijing in the air this morning, I will say hello to Paris on the sea after sunset. Lions dancing outside of the Arch of Triumph, Chinese people living in the Champs Elysees Street. Celebrating with joy the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties, heads of state of the two countries are discussing great plans for a better future.” The martial art performance and programs directed by Fu Biao were very well received by the French people. The Olympic Song “the Olympic China” with its lyric written by Fu Biao was even more popular. In 2006, in order to celebrate the 36th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Canada and China, the Beijing Shaolin Martial Art School, designated by the Minister of Culture, directed and designed the marital art play “the Monkey King Snafuing the Welkin” This play became a wonder in the history of Chinese martial art, and was well acclaimed by the public. The school martial art team has been traveling to over a dozen countries including Germany, France, the US, Russia, Japan, South Korea, the Thailand, Africa, and southeastern countries for a road show, demonstrating to the world the rich martial art culture of China. Fu Biao has made his important share of contribution to the going global of the national treasure of Chinese martial art.
Under the leadership of Fu Biao, the Beijing Shaolin Martial Art School, with unremitting and steady efforts as well as a pioneering and creative spirit, have achieved great success in many major national competitions, thereby having rapidly increased the school’s prestige and social influence. During the past years, the school has trained hundreds of marital art personnel for the military and the society, and has yielded many excellent martial art athletes for various institutes of sports and professional sports teams. Up to now, the school has won hundreds of medals in marital art competition. In 2002, the school team won the first prize in the Zhongzhou International Marital Art Festival in South Korea. In the same year, in the National Marital Art Sanda Competition, the school team won the title of “Sanda King”, and the Championship of individual events at four levels. The school team has won over a dozen of gold medals in the fifth and sixth Agricultural Athletic Meeting, several medals in the tenth and eleventh Beijing Athletic Meeting, the gold belt for many times in the free fighting competition between China and other countries such as the US, South Korea, Japan and Tailand and several hundred of medals in four Hong Kong International Martial Art Festivals and three Macao Martial Art Competitions. Over the past several years, Fu Biao and his school, due to their outstanding achievements, have been paid a lot attention by many media including CCTV, BTV, and China Daily, Chinese Education Paper, Beijing Daily, Beijing Youth Paper, etc. Fu Biao’s story has also been reported many times by many media.
While at the peak of his career, Fu Biao has never stopped making contribution to the society by taking part in programs for the social commonweal. In 2003 when the serious blowout occurred in Kai County of Chongqing, as the first sponsor, Fu Biao convened a get-together of all Kai County natives working in Beijing and donated 5.84 million yuan for their hometown, relieving the disaster there. On November 13, 2004, at the disaster-relief contribution-soliciting activity for the “9·4” flood, he called on the teaching staff and students of his school to donate 30 thousand yuan for the disaster-hit area. In 2004, a drought hit Chongqing, he again led his teaching staff and students in donating 20 thousand yuan. In 2008, after the “5·12” earthquake, his school donated over 200 thousand yuan , among which 120 thousand yuan was his personal donation. In the sale of work for donation held among calligraphers and painters organized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he sold out all his nine works. In addition, he has also provided financial aid to several hundred kids who have dropped out of school in the poverty stricken mountainous region, and let them study and live at his school in Beijing. He also has offered accommodation for many homeless kids and let them study and live at his school for free. He has covered the tuition of dozens of graduates from his school who, were accepted by the Capital Sports University, Wuhan Institute of Sport and Shanghai Theater Academy. Ten kids from poor family with good grade have been chosen from Kai County, Sichuan, and Fu Biao is now taking care of all their tuition and life expense from primary through college years. In 2003, he donated 100 thousand yuan for the establishment of a “Hope” primary school in the Wuyi village of Chong Qing. Every year, Fu’s marital art school spends a big sum of money on financial aid for education, thereby having done its share in serving the society and caring about the underprivileged young.
While visiting abroad or dealing with foreign friends, Fu Biao, harboring deep love for his motherland, has been safeguarding the dignity of the state and the nation with his actual deeds. In September, 2002, the Chinese martial art team, headed by Fu Biao, attended the Zhongzhou International Martial Art Festival in South Korea. During the festival, South Korea proposed to establish the “World Martial Art Association” and assign Fu Biao to an important position in the association. Fu Biao pointed out that according to the international practice, the existent “International Wushu Federation” headquartered in China, approved by the International Olympic Committee and accepted by the martial art associations in various countries negates the establishment of the “World Martial Art Association” which constitutes an obvious opposition to the International Wushu Federation. Fu Biao immediately drafted the opposition letter, stating the things at stake, preventing the proposal of establishing the World Martial Art Association from being accepted. After Fu Biao went back to China, what he did was highly acclaimed by Li Zhijian, the Chairman of International Wushu Federation.
Although busy with his work, Fu Biao was still interested in calligraphy and poem writing. In order to welcome the successful opening of the Communist Party’s Sixteenth Congress, Fu Biao, under the requirement of a journalist with the China Daily, wrote with passion the poem “Man Jiang Hong·Sunrise from the East”, eulogizing the great achievements of our communist party. The poem was published in China Daily of November 4, 2002. This poem, replete with a majestic and heroic air, reviewed the development of the Chinese Communist Party from the first National Congress to the sixteenth. After being published, his poem was then used by “China HR”, “World Magazine” and “IQ Family Education”, etc. The poem he wrote for the Shenzhou VI manned spaceship was also published in many newspapers and magazines. Many of his poems were published in “People’s Literature”. “China Education” devoted one whole page to his academic paper “My Thoughts and Practice of School-running”
At the opening ceremony of the ninth Asia Art Festival in 2007, Fu Biao performed the stunt of calligraphing in the air, which was jointly created by Mr Teng Junjie, the vice president of SMG and Mr Li Jianping, famous director. Bu Biao, dressed in the traditional Chinese long shirt, standing in the air above the stage and holding a giant brush, wrote a huge Chinese character “艺” on a huge painting board that is over four meters’ tall. The calligraphy was finished at one go with ease and verve, which was immediately greeted with thunderous applause from the audience. This character of “艺’’ demonstrates the vigor of calligraphy and the air of martial art, becoming the highlight of the whole ceremony. Fu’s calligraphy at the ceremony was well acclaimed by Dong Jianhua, Sun Jiazheng, Li Yuanchao and cultural officials from Japan and South Korea.
Fu Biao’s unusual ability enables his career to expand from school-running to other social activities. He takes many social positions, namely chairman of the Beijing Occupational Education Sports Association, member of the Beijing Youth Federation, member of the Martial Art School Consultant Committee of the China Wushu Association, vice secretary of Beijing Wushu Association, vice director of Beijing Education Association for the Care about the Young, director of the board of Beijing Shu Jian Technologies Group, director of the board of Beijing Martial Art School, Shanghai branch and Huabei branch, the fifth batch of the 100 excellent personnel of reform in China, the sixth batch of 10 outstanding personnel of reform in China, the fifth batch of the 10 influential newsmamker in current China, nomination for the ten outstanding young people of Beijing and the excellent educator of Beijing, etc. Despite his busy schedule, he still takes time for further study. He used to study at China Martial Art Institute, and has graduated from China Calligraphy University, the Corporate Management Department of the Capital University of Economics and Business and the Marx and Lenin College of Beijing University. He also received MBA degree from California University, US.
In 2005, Fu Biao was elected Chairman of the Beijing Occupational Education Sports Association, becoming the first president of a private school who has ever taken this position. He pays high attention to physical education and sports competition, and sits in on the class for on-the-spot direction. He makes constant efforts to improve the scale and quality of sports meeting and comprehensively enhance the level of the service of the association through bettering the organizational structure and exploring profit resources in an extensive and reasonable manner. He points out the problems existing in the development of the association, offers solutions and supervises the implementation of solutions. He also attaches great importance to the publicity of his association. He believes, in the past, the association was rather weak in publicity, but now in the grand environment of the market-oriented development of social bodies and associations, the traditional concept that “nice wine makes publicity unnecessary” must be avoided, and the importance of publicity must be realized. The association needs active publicity and its own brand name so as to make it known by the public. In response to the original poor publicity and limited media access, he set up a news department and hired a journalist from “China Sports Daily” to head this department, who is primarily in charge of coordinating various media resources, conducting overall publicity of the association and enhancing the public awareness of the brand name and image of the association. The association’s activities are widely covered by dozens of newspapers, magazines, TV stations and the internet press. Under Fu Biao’s leadership, the association has successfully held the Third Students’ Field and Track Sports Meeting of the System of Vocational Education, the Third Staff Sports Meeting of that system and the Beijing Student Cheering Squad Competition for Welcoming the Olympic Games, etc. The association was awarded the title of the Beijing Outstanding Sports Organization and the National Outstanding Sports Unit of 2005 and 2006.
Many people can’t help admiring Fu Biao’s literary grace and gest. Once, he was asked how he achieved all these. He answered: “When others are drinking and having fun, I am studying, practicing and working.” His maxim is that “Those who are interested in literature and martial art must make lifelong unremitting efforts. Only by doing so can they always stand out with supereminence.” Being accomplished in both literature and martial art and a man of broad mind and vision, Fu Biao is totally qualified for the title of “the heroic talent of literature and the scholarly general of martial art.”
Having come all the way to today’s success, Fu Biao has been educating and guiding people with his charismatic personality. His martial morals and literary style have become the example for others to follow, and his thoughts have lightened the path ahead for his career and his life. Let us cheer for him and may he achieve even greater improvements and successes in the grand cause of the Chinese martial art.